medjool dates w/ raw macadamia nut butter


In a food processor, pulse raw macadamia nuts. Transfer to a mixing bowl, adding a little olive oil and a healthy pinch (or two) of sea salt. The texture should be reminiscent of a very chunky peanut butter.

Pit the dates. Fill them with the raw macadamia nut butter. Sprinkle with a nice, flaky sea salt. Enjoy. 

portrait of a pretty gourmande (in 1825)

As described by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in his seminal The Physiology of Taste, originally published in 1825:

Gourmandism is far from unbecoming to the ladies: it agrees with the delicacy of their organs, and acts as compensation for certain pleasures which they must deny themselves, and certain ills to which nature seems to have condemned them. 

Nothing is more agreeable to look at than a pretty gourmande in full-battle dress: her napkin is tucked in most sensibly; one of her hands lies on the table, the other carries elegantly carved little morsels to her mouth, or perhaps a partridge wing on which she nibbles; her eyes shine, her lips are soft and moist, her conversation is pleasant, and all her gestures are full of grace; she does not hide that vein of coquetry which women show in everything they do. With so much in her favor, she is utterly irresistible, and Cato the Censor himself would be moved by her. 

pesto in a pinch

Below, a simple recipe for a vegan pesto: 

2 large handfuls of basil 

1/2 of a ripe avocado 

a handful of almonds or walnuts

the juice of one lemon

1 or 2 garlic cloves, depending on your plans that evening

olive oil and salt to taste

brunswick stew

Jane was telling her mother all about her date the night before. The young man had taken her to a very expensive restaurant and then to the newest musical comedy. After the show they had gone to a supper club to dance and she didn't get home until three A.M. It was the best time Jane had ever had in her life. "And I'm sure," she said fondly, "that he's in love with me, and that he's going to ask me to marry him!" Jane's mother smiled fondly. "Oh darling," she said fondly, "don't be ridiculous! How can you tell? After all, it's only the first date." Jane smiled smugly. "Oh, I know he loves me because he said my dress was too tight, too short, and cut too low." A dish that won't be hard on a tight, short, low budget is a chicken stew which for some unknown reason is called Brunswick Stew: 

One chicken, 4 to 5 pounds, disjointed or parts

Maybe some cooking oil or butter or marjarine (but chicken fat is best)

2 large onions, chopped

6 cups boiling water

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

2 cups canned tomatoes

2 cups whole kernel corn

2 cans lima beans

Some people cook the Brunswick Stew with potatoes and cooked beef, some add wine to it. As I said, I don't know why it's called Brunswick Stew. There were a lot of dukes and things named Brunswick, and maybe one of them was a stew.

- The Collected Writings of Joe Brainard